Cascade Films is a film and television production company from Nadia Tass and David Parker in Melbourne, Australia.

Since 1985, Director Nadia Tass and writer-producer David Parker have produced dozens of acclaimed international films, including Malcolm, The Big Steal, Rikky & Pete, Amy, Matching Jack, Pure Luck, and the ABC/BBC mini-series Stark.
David & Nadia have received more than 60 awards for their work, including 65 “Best Film” awards at Milan, Cannes, the Australian Film Institute, three awards for Best Director (Nadia), five awards for “Best Cinematography” (David), as well as five awards for Best Screenplay (David).
Let’s Work Together
We’re always looking for new, interesting opportunities and are comfortable working internationally. David and Nadia are available for production, direction, screenwriting opportunities. Please get in touch and someone from our team will contact you.